About the Press

Open book publishing is a premier global book publisher of science, technology, medical, arts, language and sports resources, which provide in-depth knowledge and advance understanding between researchers, academics, professionals and students with the platform they need to share and realize their ideas.

We have incredibly diverse publishing policies, ethically trusted content by professional expert authors, evaluating its quality and whether it supports aim of furthering education and disseminating knowledge and distribution their knowledge by market focused to our readers worldwide, whichever format (print and digital) suits them best. Our publishing covers readers from students to academics, general readers to researchers and individuals to institutions.


The mission of Open Book Publishing is:

  • To publish great books in all fields.

Our vision is:

  • To be the first destination for our valuable authors, agents, customers, client publishers and employees.
  • To be an esteemed publisher that values diversity, nurtures talent, rewards success and honours all its responsibilities.
  • To be the first market focused in all we do for deserved readers with great books.
  • To lead change in the recent format with popular culture.
  • To enrich readers knowledge with up to date information to make them as King in their field of expertise.
  • To anticipate change for reader’s requirement, authors foster creativity, and encourage risk-taking and innovation.

While making the most of published content, authors will also get OPEN BOOKS's enhanced management functionality and workload-reducing tools:

  • Integrated submission, reviewing, production and publishing modules. 
  • Due date control & reminders.
  • Controlling staff’s roles and rights.
  • CrossRef DOIs assignment and management.
  • Indexing and archiving with industry’s leading services.
  • Download and usage metrics.

For the benefit of readers, published content comes with a number of semantic enhancements to boost their experience, including:

  • Publication in semantic HTML, XML and PDF. 
  • Easy navigation within the book’s content. 
  • Cross-linked in-text citations of literature references, figures, tables and supplementary files. 
  • Post-publication comments, reviews and annotations. 
  • Cited-by records display. 
  • Article- and sub-article level metrics (for figures and tables). 
  • XML tagging of the published content to facilitate machine-readability. 
  • Data publication via supplementary files or data repositories.
  • Publication of multimedia videos
  • Digitisation and advanced online publication of historical titles.